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CPTP - Supervisory Training Requirements

2023 MTR Flowchart

2023 MTR infographic

Mandatory Training Requirements Frequently Asked Questions

Mandatory Training Requirements By Group

Calculating Mandatory Training Requirements Due Dates

General Circular 2015-003 Change in Mandatory Supervisory Training Requirements

Current Continuing Education Requirements

How to Run Continuing Education Report for Completions

How to Assign SCS CPTP Continuing Education to your Employees

To assist you in assigning continuing education to your employees, CPTP has put together a guide. The guide can be found here.

Mandatory Supervisory Training Requirements Policy

Mandatory Training Requirements

The State Civil Service Commission has established Minimum Supervisory Training Requirements in accordance with Civil Service Rule 22.10 for all employees who occupy jobs that are designated as part of a Supervisory Group. The training required by this policy reflects minimum requirements. Agencies may require, or individuals may elect, to take additional courses and we encourage them to do so.

cancellation notice of an

Agency Responsibilities

Agencies are responsible for ensuring that employees in each Supervisory Group are granted reasonable periods of time to obtain the required training and that training time is made uniformly available to all employees in each Supervisory Group. Failure to make time available uniformly to all employees in a Supervisory Group will be considered an agency violation of Rule 22.10.

The Human Resource Office at each agency must ensure that the CPTP / Training Coordinator is apprised of any changes to an employee’s job title that may affect Minimum Supervisory Training Requirements (i.e., job changes, promotions, reallocations, details to special duty, etc) to ensure that training is scheduled based on each employee’s current job title and responsibilities.

Agencies are responsible for making the required training known to all employees in an affected job title. It is highly recommended that the required training be included as a performance expectation in the performance planning document.

Agencies are also responsible for designating an individual within the organization who is granted authority and responsibility for directing employees to the appropriate courses for the employee’s job in those instances where choices are allowed within the required training. Each agency shall notify the State Civil Service Training Division in writing of the current name, business address, business phone number and e-mail address of the individual designated for this responsibility.

Each agency may be required to submit reports in accordance with the policy provisions noted below.

Reporting Minimum Supervisory Training

State Civil Service will run periodic reports to ensure agency compliance with this policy. If necessary, SCS will require agencies to provide additional reports as needed. SCS staff will study the degree of compliance for each agency, and based on this review, will inform the Civil Service Commission of the findings. Beginning in 2016, training compliance reviews will be conducted as part of the Compliance and Audit. The Commission may then choose to invite appointing authorities to report on their compliance with Civil Service Rule 22.10 at a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Commission.

[Civil Service Rule 22.10 states that “The Commission shall establish mandatory training for employees who occupy or are appointed to designated supervisory, managerial or administrative jobs. Each department shall advise employees who occupy these jobs of the training requirements. Employees who fail to meet the required training within the specified period of time may be disciplined or removed in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Civil Service Rules.”]

Employee Responsibilities

Employees are responsible for attending the training for which they are scheduled and for cancelling timely when necessary. Cancellation can usually be done through LEO. If for whatever reason, the employee cannot cancel the class through LEO, the employee should notify their agency’s CPTP training coordinator. When at all possible, cancellation of an instructor led class should be made at least five (5) working days prior to the class date to allow sufficient time for substitutions to be made.

General Provisions

  • There are three supervisory groups. The list of jobs in each supervisory group may be viewed on the SCS website. Agency Training Coordinators will use this list to determine the designated group for each supervisory job.
  • The Training Coordinator is responsible for assisting employees in determining their course requirements and deadlines for completing Minimum Supervisory Training Requirements in accordance with the attached Course Requirements and information on Calculating Completion Deadlines.

Exceptions to the Training Requirements

  • Agency Level Exceptions
    If an agency has its own training program, the agency may apply to the State Civil Service Training Division to have its course(s) substituted for one or more of the courses listed in this policy or may apply to have its training program as a whole substituted for the training required by this policy. Each request must be made by the agency’s appointing authority and must include sufficient information to enable the State Civil Service Training and Workforce Development Division to determine whether the agency’s substitution is appropriate.
  • Individual Employee Exceptions
    An employee may apply to the State Civil Service Training and Workforce Development Division for approval of a substitution of education, experience, and other training for required CPTP courses.
  • CST and CPM Designations
    Employees who have earned the Certificate in Supervisory Techniques (CST) shall be considered as having met all training requirements for Supervisory Group 1 and Supervisory Group 2. Employees who have earned the Certified Public Manager designation shall be considered as having met all training requirements for all three Supervisory Groups.

These new Mandatory Supervisory Training Requirements will go into effect on January 1, 2015. This new policy is being implemented as a result of a Needs Assessment Survey and a new Competency Model that has been introduced, which consists of five competencies.   

Supervisor Training Requirements Archive
2012 Minimum Supervisory Training Requirements

2012 Minimum Training Policy Notes

The State Civil Service Commission has established Minimum Supervisory Training Requirements in accordance with Civil Service Rule 22.10 for all employees who occupy jobs that are designated as part of a Supervisory Group. The training required by this policy reflects minimum requirements. Agencies may require, or individuals may elect, to take additional courses and we encourage them to do so.

Agency Responsibilities

Agencies are responsible for ensuring that employees in each Supervisory Group are granted reasonable periods of time to obtain the required training, and that training time is made uniformly available to all employees in each Supervisory Group. Failure to make time available uniformly to all employees in a Supervisory Group will be considered an agency violation of Rule 22.10.

The Human Resource Office at each agency must ensure that the CPTP / Training Coordinator is apprised of any changes to an employee’s job title that may affect Minimum Supervisory Training Requirements (i.e., job changes, promotions, reallocations, details to special duty, etc) to ensure that training is scheduled based on each employee’s current job title and responsibilities.

Agencies are responsible for making the required training known to all employees in an affected job title. It is highly recommended that the required training be included as a performance expectation performance planning document.

Agencies are also responsible for designating an individual within the organization who is granted authority and responsibility for directing employees to the appropriate courses for the employee’s job in those instances where choices are allowed within the required training. Each agency shall notify State Civil Service Training Division in writing of the current the name, business address, business phone number and e-mail address of the individual designated for this responsibility.

Each agency may be required to submit reports in accordance with the policy provisions noted below.

Reporting Minimum Supervisory Training

State Civil Service will run periodic reports to ensure agency compliance with this policy. If necessary, SCS will require agencies to provide additional reports as needed. SCS staff will study the degree of compliance for each agency, and based on this review, will inform the Civil Service Commission of the findings. The Commission may then choose to invite appointing authorities to report on their compliance with Civil Service Rule 22.10 at a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Commission.

[Civil Service Rule 22.10 states that “The Commission shall establish mandatory training for employees who occupy or are appointed to designated supervisory, managerial or administrative jobs. Each department shall advise employees who occupy these jobs of the training requirements. Employees who fail to meet the required training within the specified period of time may be disciplined or removed in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Civil Service Rules.”]

Employee Responsibilities

Employees are responsible for attending the training for which they are scheduled and for making reasonable notification prior to the training date to the agency CPTP / Training Coordinator when scheduled training must be cancelled. When at all possible, cancellation notice of an instructor led class shall be rendered at least five (5) working days prior to the class date to allow sufficient time for substitutions to be made.

General Provisions

  • There are three supervisory groups. The list of jobs in each supervisory group may be viewed on the SCS website. Agency CPTP / Training Coordinators will use this list to determine the designated group for each supervisory job.
  • The CPTP / Training Coordinator is responsible for assisting employees in determining their course requirements and deadlines for completing Minimum Supervisory Training Requirements in accordance with the attached Course Requirements and information on Calculating Completion Deadlines.

Exceptions to the Training Requirements

  • Agency Level Exceptions
    If an agency has its own training program, the agency may apply to the State Civil Service Training Division to have its course(s) substituted for one or more of the courses listed in this policy or may apply to have its training program as a whole substituted for the training required by this policy. Each request must include sufficient information to enable the Department of State Civil Service Workforce Development Division to determine that the agency’s courses or training program are appropriate substitutes for the classes for which the exception is being requested.
  • Individual Employee Exceptions
    An employee may apply to the State Civil Service Training Division for approval of a substitution of education, experience, and other training for required CPTP courses.
  • CST and CPM Designations
    Employees who have earned the Certificate in Supervisory Techniques (CST) shall be considered as having met all training requirements for Supervisory Group 1 and Supervisory Group 2. Employees who have earned the Certified Public Manager (CPM) designation shall be considered as having met all training requirements for all three Supervisory Groups.
Calculating Completion Deadlines

Minimum Supervisory Training completion deadlines are established based on the employee's permanent (home) position. Reports or queries from the Data Mart and other electronic systems (e.g., ISIS HR) will typically only reflect the job title to which an employee is detailed. Agency Human Resources and/or the agency Training Coordinator will need to determine if the employee's job title is their home position or detailed to position.

  1. Employees entering a Supervisory Group that have previously not been in job covered by the minimum training policy determine the completion deadline date as follows. The deadline for completion is 3 or 4 years from the date the employee enters a job covered in the Minimum Supervisory Training Policy.

    Enters Supervisory Group 1 - 5 online classes and 1 classroom workshop (13 hours total training); 3 year deadline

    Enters Supervisory Group 2 - 5 total Group 2 classes PLUS all Group 1 requirements; 4 year deadline

    Enters Supervisory Group 3 - 4 total Group 3 classes PLUS all Group 1 and 2 requirements; 4 year deadline

    (IMPORTANT NOTE: An agency may request approval from the CPTP Policy Board for specific exemptions based on an employee's previous work experience.)

  2. Employees currently in a Supervisory Group who have not completed course requirements before implementation of the new policy.

    Currently in Supervisory Group 1 - New deadline is December 31, 2014.

    Currently in Supervisory Group 2 or 3 with outstanding Supervisory Group 1 Classes - New deadline is December 31, 2014.

    Currently in Supervisory Group 2 or 3 with NO outstanding Supervisory Group 1 Classes - No new deadline.

  3. Employees currently in a Supervisory Group who move to a different Supervisory Group as a result of a promotion, reallocation, and/or detail.

    1. Promotions (includes promoting to a job at a different agency):
      Group 1 to Group 1 – there will be no change in deadline.
      Group 1 to Group 2 – new deadline will be 3 years from the effective date of the promotion
      Group 1 to Group 3 – new deadline will be 4 years from the effective date of the promotion
      Group 2 to Group 2 – there will be no change in deadline
      Group 2 to Group 3 – new deadline will be 3 years from the effective date of the promotion
      Group 3 to Group 3 – there will be no change in deadline

    2. Reallocations: As a general rule, the changes that result in movement from one supervisory group to another are accomplished by promotion.  In the rare case that an employee is reallocated to a job in a different Supervisory Group, the guidelines governing promotions will apply.

    3. Details: Details are generally temporary in nature, but do often lead to promotions. Minimum Training completion deadlines are established based on the employee’s permanent (home) position. Employees are not required by this policy to complete minimum training requirements for jobs to which they are detailed; however, they are encouraged to do so. An agency may require employees to complete minimum training courses for positions into which they are detailed. Formal deadlines according to this policy for such employees begin on the effective date of the actual promotion.

      (IMPORTANT NOTE: The deadline date for an employee who is detailed from a position in one supervisory group to another supervisory group does not change. The employee is still required to meet minimum supervisory training requirements for the “home position” within the originally established deadline.)

  4. Employee Supervisory Group assignment changes by action of Civil Service

    Employees currently in a Supervisory Group who have their jobs placed in a different Supervisory Group by Civil Service must complete the additional minimum supervisory training requirements for the new supervisory group if they have not already done so. The employee will have 3 years to complete the new training.
Training Requirements for Supervisory Groups 1, 2, & 3

2012 Mandatory Training Program Requirements Download Here

Supervisory Group 1


These training requirements may be replaced by an agency-specific training program upon approval of that program by the Civil Service Training Division.


Online Classes

  • CPTP CS Essentials for Supervisors
  • CPTP Hiring & Retaining Top Talent
  • CPTP Myths that Affect Good Supervision
  • CPTP Leave Management
  • CPTP Validating Employee Performance

Classroom Workshop

  • CPTP Supervisor Group 1 Capstone Workshop (1 day)

NOTE: All online classes must be complete before learners can register for the capstone workshop.

Supervisory Group 2


These training requirements may be replaced by an agency-specific training program upon approval of that program by the CPTP Policy Board.



Employees who have earned CPTP's Certificate in Supervisory Techniques (CST) are considered to have met all requirements for Supervisory Group 2.

Employees who have earned CPTP’s Certified Public Manager (CPM) are considered to have met all requirements for all Supervisory Groups.

CLASS #1:Conducting an Effective Job Interview (MGT 142) (1 day)

CLASS #2, #3, #4, & #5: The agency and/or the employee must choose FOUR of the following SEVEN classes to satisfy this requirement. The choices are:

  • Improving Employee Performance through Coaching (MGT 123) (1 day)
  • Building Better Performance Through Employee Skill Development (MGT 121) (1 day)
  • Managing and Improving Work Processes (MGT 135) (2 days)
  • Effective Problem Solving & Decision Making (MGT 133) (2 days)
  • Manager’s Role in Workforce & Succession Planning (MGT 080) (1 day)
  • Planning & Accountability (originally titled Accountability in Work Groups(MGT131) (2 days)
  • Individual Differences and Diversity in the Workplace (MGT117) (1 day)
Supervisory Group 3


These training requirements may be replaced by an agency-specific training program upon approval of that program by the CPTP Policy Board.



Employees who have earned CPTP's Certified Public Manager (CPM) are considered to have met all requirements for all Supervisory Groups.

CLASS #1: Planning & Accountability (originally titled Accountability in Work Groups) (MGT 131) (2 days)

NOTE:This class is required at this level ONLY if it was not taken while serving in a Supervisory Group 2 position.

CLASS #2:Individual Differences and Diversity in the Workplace (MGT 117) (1 day)

NOTE: This class is required at this level ONLY if it was not taken while serving in a Supervisory Group 2 position.

CLASS #3: Managing and Improving Work Processes (MGT 135) (2 days)

NOTE: This class is required at this level ONLY if it was not taken while serving in a Supervisory Group 2 position.

CLASS #4: Manager's Role in Workforce &Succession Planning (MGT 080) (1 day)

NOTE: This class is required at this level ONLY if it was not taken while serving in a Supervisory Group 2 position.

2008 Minimum Supervisory Training Requirements
2002 Mandatory Training Requirements